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City Urban Explorer first launch

Why City Urban Explorer? Originally I wanted the blog name Urban Explorer but someone else already has it. I have the name Urban Explorer in my mind for at least few years, when one day I was enjoying my walk in the City looking at the houses' architecture and checking out any interesting nook and crannies in the city for me to explore.

The other reasons for creating City Urban Explorer blog are I love nature but I'm too scared to explore it, my reasons are I'm scared to get lost, fear from unleashed dogs, wild animals, murderers, snakes, spiders the list is long. To explore nature I need money and to be exploring it with a group.

I'm inspired by nature and adventure explorers but I don't have that fearless nature, and to write authentically on nature and adventure, you have to talk the talk and walk the walk.

I find the City safer to walk and explore than walking in parks, no unleashed dogs. With cars, trains, and buses and the city urban laws on no unleashed dogs on the streets, it might be safe to enjoy the leisure in walking in the city. I love dogs, but I have phobia from them when they are without a leash. I don't venture to their homes in the parks, some beaches, and small towns. I always loved exploring, I understand I have limited my exploration parameter.

This blog is reflection on my exploration in the city, and any city I happen to be in at the time. I also love the beach, and for me a beach is part of the city. Parks are part of the city too, so I'll go to few that I feel are safe to walk in like The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, Taronga Zoo Sydney etc. I haven't visited Barangaroo yet, so there will be a wealth of exploration there. Exploring cultural institutions such museums and art galleries are part of the city too. When out in the city I also like to explore new places or familiar places to eat. Not often now as before, but I enjoy food exploration for the taste buds. I'm not big fan of shopping, if this is what you are after. I visit shopping places or shopping centres now and then for good hair colour, and to update my clothes & shoes when needed and watch the odd movie. You are welcome to my first post of City Urban Explorer, lets hit the streets.

Photo credit: my original photo


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